

If you see that your scheduled posts are not published:

  • Check if the cron job works. If you are using, you can set it to send an email if it doesn't receive a 200 response
  • If you have hosted your application on Vercel, remember that the /api/webhook/scheduler endpoint must respond within 5 seconds. This means that if you have a post with huge images attached, maybe it can be killed
  • Try to publish the post manually and check the popup error.
    • If you get a Failed to publish post: Request failed with code 429, it means that you have finished your daily quota and you must wait.
    • Check your MongoDB database, the ErrorLog collection and check what happened.
      • For example, you'll find you rate limit and your next reset date by looking at: body -> rateLimit -> day -> reset This is a unix timestamp
      • Also check at the body -> data to check the type of error